#DiscoverLaosHTX Final Product


“What an experience. We’ve been through so much – learning, growing, fighting, loving, and overcoming. Change is never comfortable, growth isn’t easy, and nobody is perfect. Through it all, we’ve PREVAILED and TOGETHER, made history in Houston.Thank you all for supporting such a meaningful event.Thank you Elyssa PaliPalisa Dance Boutique for being so thoughtful and sponsoring this video, and to my ENTIRE family for fully supporting me and the vision of Discover Laos HTX from the beginning to the very end. I Love you and am blessed to call you my family .

Thank you Maddie Tran, my partner in producing Discoverlaoshtx. Without you taking initiative to learn and teach the dances and organize the entire fashion show, we would have pushed the date back to Fall 2018. Maddie, you stepped up to the plate and made everything come together. We might not agree on every little detail and have almost killed each other a few times, but in the end, we looked past our differences and kept pushing when we both could have quit. This was the most inspiring part of Discover Laos HTX to me.A special thanks to Nang Thomson for being our biggest supporter since the very beginning. She has not only been there to help us prepare for the performances we did to promote #DiscoverLaosHTX but she made sure we were fully dressed and had as much knowledge that she could teach us while she was getting us ready to face the world.The history that we’ve learned, the information she’s shared, and her personal story was the most educational part in this entire movement. She has been the driving force behind every step of the way, making sure all our loose ends were tied, our hair was in place, and that we authentically represent the Lao Culture. Ma Nang, I hope you know what a difference you have made for our generation and the future generations. I hope you know what a difference you have made across the nation – I hope you know what a difference you’ve made in my life. Without you, there would have been no Discover Laos HTX. Thank you for everything you have done to make this happen. Thank you for everything you do for the community.Lao American Association of Houston & Ladies of Satreelao Houston like angels you have guided us along the way. You gave us the light at the end of the tunnel and pushed us back on track when we strayed. We are forever grateful.Thank you ALL volunteers and team members for the time spent and hard work you all have put into making this happen for our culture and generation. You all are beautiful! Thank you for not giving up.”
– Amina